
march 30, 2010 (28 months)
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jonah-ism #9- you know it's mud season (vermont's official 5th season), when you're driving down the road, and you're 2-year old points out that all the cars have "lotsah poop" on them...time for a car wash.
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april 3, 2010 (28 months)
jonah-ism #17- I love that jonah thinks that the reason he can't see santa and the easter bunny is because they live a long way away, with their mommy and daddy...and santa's the big brother and the easter bunny is the baby! it's amazing how a 2-year-old connects everything to his own life.
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april 17, 2010 (28 months)
jonah-ism #39- i woke up this morning to my little boy sitting next to my bed, singing to his stuffed animals.
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may 24, 2010 (30 months)
jonah-ism #42- mommy: "don't throw your blocks at your sister's head." jonah: "why mommy?" mommy: "because you're going to hurt her" jonah: "why mommy?" mommy: "because they are hard and have corners." jonah: "why mommy?" mommy: "because most of them are cubes or rectangular prisms." jonah: "why mommy?" mommy: "because those are the shapes that are easiest to build with." jonah: "why mommy?" mommy: "just because."

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may 25, 2010 (30 months)
jonah-ism #60- invention ever!!! add some leftovers and it's a new meal, add some toys and it's a storage bin, add some water and rubber ducks and it's a pond, add a spoon and it's a drum, add a two-year-old and it's a boat..."i sittin' in it mommy, it's a weally little boat, mommy."

june 26, 2010 (31 months)
jonah-ism #73- so...i asked jonah to go and get his hat from his room (he was fully dressed at that point)...he came back looking like this. oh boy! at least he matches.

august 7, 2010 (32 months)
jonah-ism #88- we were outside today, and i looked over to see jonah throwing dirt on abbie and spitting in her face. i, of course, immediately corrected him and scolded him for doing what he knows he shouldn't do. he looked up at me with a puzzled look and said, "but mommy, i helpeen abbie gwow. she needs dut and wah-toe to gwow up to a big goal."

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september 5, 2010 (33 months)
jonah-ism #101- "look mommy, duh sun is going nuh-night, see you to-mah-woe mr. sun."

september 20, 2010 (33 months)
jonah-ism #214- "abbie, sit yo bottom down on dat seat, it's not safe to stan on duh chay-oh, you will fawl and bonk yo head!" i wonder where he heard that one.

september 30, 2010 (34 months)
jonah-ism #416- "mommy, why do we hafa go to duh hostible to see baby finn (his new baby cousin)?" me- "because that's where auntie sarah gave birth to him" jonah- "did auntie say-wah give baby finn ernie too? i luf berth and ernie, day so funny mommy."

october 13, 2010 (34 months)
jonah-ism #582- on our way home tonight..."look mommy!!! dat stah-oh is follow-ling us, and it is follow-ling duh moon because duh moon and duh stah-oh ah-oh bess fwenz, mommy. day ah-oh both follow-ling me to mine house to kiss me guh-night."

october 23, 2010 (35 months)
jonah-ism # 599- so, i always knew that sippy cups with lids were a good idea, so that full cups of liquid didn't spill...apparently they are also helpful when 1-year-old little girls decide to add mr. potato head's eyes, nose, and ears to a full cup of milk...hmmm...yep...I'll try to remember that next time. jonah walked into the kitchen and said, “mama, mr. tato head’s eyebowls are floateen in my me-oke.”

october 28, 2010 (35 months)
jonah-ism #610- sitting on daddy's lap and "carding" pumpkins.

november 9, 2010 (35 months)Top of Form
jonah-ism #623- jonah-"mommy, i know something." me-"what do you know, buddy" jonah-"i know dat gween says go, and wed says stop, and yeow-low says watch out!" me-"good job, bud." jonah-"mommy, i not done! oh-wange says be cay-oh-ful, and bwloo says wah-toe, and white says snow, and bwlack says nighttime, and gway says cloudy, and pink says sunset, and poe-poe says gwapes, and bwown says poop! I know all duh cuh-lows mommy."Top of Form

december 1, 2010 (36 months)
jonah-ism #674- "mommy, i love ah-oh chwistmas twee!" me- "what do you love about it?" jonah-"well, i love that it's gween, cuz gween is my fave-wit cuh-low...and i love that it's a huge twy-angole, cuz twy-angoles ah-oh my fave-wit shape"

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january 1, 2011 (37 months)
jonah-ism #703- "mommy, when I get old I wan-ta be a chef and I wan-ta cook chicken and noodose and fish and cay-oh-wits and stwing cheese."

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january 8, 2011 (37 months)
jonah-ism # 711- just walked into the living room to find a giant mound of popcorn (from a holiday popcorn tin) in the middle of the floor. jonah was taking one of his toy trucks and driving over the pile, crushing tiny pieces into the rug. abbie was sitting right in the middle of the pile, kernels in both her ears and one nostril, hiding peices between each of her toes...both with giant smiles on their little faces. abbie immediately ran away when she saw me, but here's jonah creating new roadways through kernel mountain!

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january 30, 2011 (38 months)
jonah-ism #721- jonah just asked for some "alone time." he said, "mommy, i want to go up to my woom and play with no-body. i am juss so fwus-toe-wated with my sissy. she juss won't leave me alone cuz she loves me so much." now he's playing "alone," and "sissy" is standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling and banging on the gate. we'll see how long he lasts being "alone."

february 15, 2011 (38 months)Top of Form
jonah-ism #774- jonah was eating an orange when I heard an enthusiastic... "mommy, guess what?! they-oh is oh-wenj juice inside this oh-wenj, and it is soooo yummy, cuz i loooove oh-wenj juice!"

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march 7, 2011 (39 months)
jonah-ism #799- jonah just felt the baby kicking for the first time, and got very excited! when i asked him what he thought, he said, "i sink it was the baby kickin' me with its shoe!!!"

march 26, 2011 (40 months)Top of Form
jonah-ism #816- "mommy, i think i know what happened to lightning" (lightning was jonah's first fish ...we are now on to lightning #2). "i sink he went into space. i sink he maybe lives on the moon now, because i love the moon and the stars, and lightning was my best fish friend so he loves the moon and stars too! when i get to be a grown up, i want to go to the moon to visit lightning, ok mommy?"

april 5, 2011 (40 months)
jonah-ism #819- after running around for what seemed like an hour, jonah stopped and with a very concerned look said, "mommy, you forgot!" i said, "what did i forget?" he said, "mommy, you forgot to put a sweatshirt on me. i need a sweatshirt so i don't sweat. i'm sweateen 'cuz you forgot my sweatshirt. silly mommy."

april 8, 2011 (40 months)
jonah-ism #826- jonah- "daddy, where did all the leaves from the trees go?" derek- "the wind blew them off the trees." jonah- "oh, i see. maybe the wind can blow the leaves back on the trees now. i sink that would be a good idea, daddy."

april 27, 2011 (41 months)
jonah-ism #830- a few weeks ago, we peeled an orange and discovered that it was a blood orange. since then, jonah has been so excited to see if we would find yellow, orange, or red beneath each orange peel. tonight, he was chanting, "blue, blue, blue...i really would love this one to be blue, mommy, 'cuz i juss love blue sings." A boy can dream.

may 12, 2011 (41 months)
jonah-ism #838- while eating pistachio ice cream (it's green), jonah said, "mommy, I juss love mustache-io ice cream. it is so, so, so yummy!" a few minutes later he said, "mommy, i sink i know why it's cawed mustache-io ice cream." i said, "why, jojo?" he said (face covered in ice cream), "i sink it's because when i eat it i get a green mustache! [giggle, giggle] green mustaches are so silly and so yummy, mommy!"

may 23, 2011 (42 months)Top of Form
jonah-ism #841- "mommy, i juss love being free years ode. i love to play when i'm free, i love to go potty when i'm free, aaannnd i love to be nice to mine sister when i'm free. maybe when i'm four i can be nice to mine abbie too, or maybe not. i sink maybe when i'm four i will juss be nice to mine baby brother or baby sister...not abbie."

may 27, 2011 (42 months)
jonah-ism #855- "mommy, I don't sink this is cawed my pointer finger (index finger in the air). this is my sinking finger, cuz I sink wiss it. see, like this..."

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june 6, 2011 (42 months)
jonah-ism #862- "mommy i sink i'm going to have a baby brother, not a baby sister 'cuz i ah-ready have a lid-oh sister and i don't sink i need another sister."

july 11, 2011 (43 months)
jonah-ism #877- "mommy, look at this giant sink! ...but where's the giant soap for me to wash mine hands???"

july 17, 2011 (43 months)
jonah-ism #891- on our way home, jonah said, "it's okay mommy, i can tell you what roads to turn on to get to our house. i renember how to get home. sometimes you forget sings, cuz you have a ode brain, but i will help you renember, mommy." so sad that my 3 year old thinks his 28 year old mommy has "a ode brain"...i wonder what he'll say when he's a teenager.

july 22, 2011 (44 months)
jonah-ism #899- "mommy, i sink we should leave the windows down in mine car when we get out, cuz it is so hot, and i sink all the animals want to come in froo the windows into mine car and turn on the air conditioner. the birds and bugs and bunnies need to cool off from this so hot day. i sink they muss be sooo sweaty today."

july 30, 2011 (44 months)
jonah-ism #903- today at lunch, jonah was talking to his daddy..."daddy, do you juss have a mommy, or a mommy and a daddy?" derek-"i have a mommy and a daddy, jojo." jonah-"but where does your daddy live?" derek-"he lives in heaven." jonah-"is god your daddy, because god lives in heaven" derek-"no, my daddy lives with god in heaven." jonah-"oh, well then sometime i want to go to heaven to see mine other grandpa."

august 9, 2011 (44 months)
jonah-ism #911- in the bathroom at the airport, jonah said, "wow mommy, i don't believe it. they have magic potties at this airport. the potty sees you go pee, and then sees you get off the potty, and theee-eeen the potty juss flushes all by itself! i sink we should get one of those magic potties at mine house. i really like it!"

august 16, 2011 (44 months)
jonah-ism #924- "mommy, when i'm a grown up i want to be a am-be-ence man, and abbie can be a fire girl, and we can save all the people together...but i want to drive the am-be-ence truck and abbie can sit in the back."

september 16, 2011 (45 months)
jonah-ism #929- tonight as i was getting jonah ready for bed, he said, "mommy, i juss love mine big boy underwear cuz there's a pocket." me, "huh???" jonah, "see mommy" (pointing to the flap on the front of his underwear). he then emptied his "pocket"...he had 37¢, 3 silly bands, and a rock in there.

october 15, 2011 (46 months)
jonah-ism #933- jonah got an apple from the kitchen, and ran over to me and said, "uh-oh mommy, this apple doesn't have a cord!" i said, "you mean a core?" jonah responded, "no silly mommy, the core is inside. i mean the cord on the top that plugs the apple into the tree, it's missing!"

october 19, 2011 (46 months)
jonah-ism #936- "mommy, i'm sad that the stars dint follow us to massachusetts. i miss them..." missing the vermont sky

october 25, 2011 (47 months)
jonah-ism #940- jonah ran into our bedroom screaming, "mommy, mommy, mommy! abbie turned something yucky on the tv, come quick!" i ran into the living room, fully expecting to have to shield little eyes and ears from "csi" or "jersey shore"... instead i saw "i love lucy" in b&w. jonah said, "see mommy, this show is all yucky and gray!"

november  21, 2011 (48 months)
jonah-ism #943- jonah walked up to me this morning, head down, huge pout on his face, and said (in a very sad little voice), "mommy, i am so sad, because i thought i was going to be a big four-year-old boy today, but i'm sad because my pajamas still fit me."

december 2, 2011 (48 months)
jonah-ism #949- driving through springfield today, jonah says, "mommy, people say that word wrong" i said, "what word, buddy?" (not expecting the following) "hooters!" he said. "people are sposeduh say hooTers, not hooDers. it has a T after the hoo, not a D after the hoo. it should be hooTers!" all i could think was, 'please let my sweet little boy stop saying hooters!'

december 11, 2011 (48 months)
jonah-ism #954- jonah said, "mommy, pretty soon we're gonna have another daddy in our family." i said, "huh?" jonah responded (with quite a bit of attitude, i might add), "mommy, don't you remember that i am four now! i'm almost a grown up, and pretty soon i'll be able to be another daddy to abbie and caleb, cuz they are still just kids!"

december 13, 2011 (48 months)
jonah-ism #959- after the concert tonight, i said, "jonah, you did such a great job!" his response was, "thanks mommy, but you should have said amazing or wonderful, because those are cinnamons of great, right?" i love that he knows what synonyms are...but i love even more that he calls them "cinnamons!"

december 14, 2011 (48 months)
jonah-ism #960- "mommy, how do the mail carriers get all of the kids letters to santa? do you know how far away the north pole is? it's like super far, like at least 10 or 11 miles away!!!"

december 18, 2011 (48 months)
jonah-ism #963- jonah saw this package at the grocery store and said, "wow! i love that cool smiling man with a mustache! well, i can't see his smile, but he has salt and vinegar chips, and they are so yummy, so i think he has a smile behind his big mustache!"

december 29, 2011 (49 months)
jonah-ism #966- "mommy, when i'm a grown up i'm gonna be in a band. i'm gonna play the drums in uncle dave and julia and pete's band!" i said, "do you know that uncle dave plays the drums with pete and julia?" he replied, "well yes, but i want to play the drums, so i think uncle dave can play the har-mom-ica"

january 26, 2012 (50 months)
jonah-ism #970- driving through boston, jonah saw this view and said, "wow!!! i can see the whole world from here!"

march 10, 2012 (51 months)
jonah-ism #974- getting jonah out of the car...he had fallen asleep on the way home from the grocery store. he opened his eye, and immediately started to tear up, "NOOOO mommy! i didn't want to sleep in the car! i am a big boy, and big boys sleep in their beds in the night time, NOT in the morning, and NOT in the car! so maybe you can drive back to the store right now, and this time i won't fall know mommy, i'm not a baby who sleeps in the car! i know i can stay awake this time (still with desperate tears in his eyes)!" guess who drove the 5 minutes back to the grocery store, so that her big boy could stay awake? this crazy mom did...